
Appreciate don't Depreciate

My biggest pet peeve is to see someone who has potential to be influenced by their environment and stick to being something much less than what they should be. They depreciate. Their friends telling them pursuing something new is "being stupid", or wanting to be something amazing in your future "is lying to yourself". Are you that unsure about yourself that you have to project it? The thing is, I have surrounded myself with such friends that will never let me depreciate. They will invest in me and my time. They will help me and hurt me to see me grow. That why I want to give my first appreciation to the close circle of friends I have. They are prospective people who have rubbed of their traits on me and I hope they rub them off on every single other person they meet.  The next big thanks I would like to give is to the friends I have met in the gym for the last two years. They have watched me grow tremendously, and I have watched them as well. That journey all of us

What I have Learned

 Hello everyone,  This blog is kinda like a final battle (maybe like a mini-boss) before next weeks blog and I really want to talk about something I have become quite famous for. Remember the satire blog, and the "magnificent" post I had, I want to talk about what I have learned from this post. Quite literally the day after I posted this blog, I became a celebrity at Troy High. From people appreciating my satire to receiving the certain finger in the halls as I walked to physics. I even heard that a teacher had read this post and didn't appreciate the satire I had so well developed.  To most, this was either an attempt at dark humor, or a mans' misogyny expressed in four hundred words. To me, this was an amazing experiment with quite amazing results.  My hypothesis: Creating a post that will confuse people's minds and hearts will lead to either aggression or support. My Results: In my second hour, I was called out about three times about using my satire really wel
I’m busy; but not in the way most people accept. I’m busy calming my fear and finding my courage. I’m busy listening to my kids. I’m busy getting in touch with what is real. I’m busy growing things and connecting with the natural world. I’m busy questioning my answers. I’m busy being present in my life. By Brooke Hampton      A busy life is an unproblematic one. A busy life is a simple one. A busy life is a smart one. This poem, by Brooke Hampton, stood out to me significantly just because of the word busy. Busy, busy, busy. I have reflected on being busy numerous times, and its always a convo with my friends talking about what I did through out my day. Playing pickle ball, eating at chipotle, doing calc. People have this weird mis-input on being busy. The word demoralizes them because they now have an excuse for staying away from laziness, yet if they weren't being busy what would they actually figure out. Being busy is the best thing that could be happening to any of your right n

I Wish Poetry Was Like Rap

“I know some rappers using big words to make they similes curve, my simplest shit be more pivotal” - KENDRICK LAMAR I don't really think Kendrick Lamar has ever been wrong. This guy was the first rapper to win a Pulitzer Prize. Someone like Shakespeare or Robert Frost is qualified to win such a distinguished award, but this man came from the streets of Compton and wrote some of the most layered and unique music I have ever heard, and actually UNDERSTAND. The fact that I can recognize his lyrics, put them into perspective, and sometimes relate to them is what makes his work so good.  Normally, the most renowned and complex poetry ends up wining the Pulitzer, but Kendrick's rapping is a form of poetry that qualifies. Listening to any of his album's, especially the UNTITLED UNMASTERED, you will hear some crazy stuff. It could be him dissing a stereotype or problem; him speaking about his life growing up, or his first time hanging out with a girl, or him just cussing you out fo

My Experience as a Second-Hand Englisher

It's true; English is my second language. I learned it towards the beginning of third grade when I first came to the United States and picked it up really quickly. The accent stayed for about two more months before it disappeared. Then an eight year journey, till now, as I write this blog post.  Through the eight years, I started to not only think in English, but forget so many of the other languages I learned. The language had this overwhelming capability to just take over your life; not give you any other options other than having you in the palm of its hand. It was either I had to analyze a piece for its figurative language, or read the best books to put me in a better place for the AP exam. English was test that I though had to pass, so I just studied what I needed to pass. English became powerless over this semester. Odepius introduced me to play writing, something I never really knew existed; the Stranger taught me about new character styles I would have never wondered; Oth

The Art of Insecurities by Iago

 (In British accent)  Hello my disciples, today I shall teach you how I have fooled the ones closest to me, the ones who have love me but I have loved not. This is art I have used to claw at fears, questions and confusion of my closest friends, and make them turn on thy love. The art of insecurities. My sharpest swords, my strongest shield, and my darkest magic.  Assignment #1: Let's start off with love, a humans biggest insecurity. Our mind question loves everyday no matter who it is; for example, you have been dating someone for a while and you get to the stage where you are considering saying the words, "I love you". Now, your only goal is to figure out if the other person feels the same way. Contemplation runs ramped through your head, do they feel the same way? Could they have someone else? What are the chances they will say no? This is the perfect moment you can catch someone, when their most important person is in question. Now it's your turn to bring out falsi

My Life As A Male Feminist

I wake up every morning ready to fight off the gender values men like me place on woman; contemplating if my existence slows down what strides women have made so far with their rights. First thing I have to do, make sure I know how to make breakfast. I want every one of my future partners to know that I can provide them with breakfast in bed every morning, as a man, I am required to develop this skill. I cook whatever they want, however they want, and exactly what temperature they want it at; treat me like a Starbucks drive through because I want to be as helpful as possible. I don’t know how I will get you your venti mocha + match iced coffee with a caramel drizzle, made with oat milk from Russia and exactly 112.2 degrees Celsius, but I want to be helpful to woman so I will.   I hate work. I go their to work myself to death every day, putting more effort than anyone else, but I still make more money than my colleague Becky, who needs to spend 2 hours talking about her horrible boyfrie